Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority , Inc.
Epsilon Lambda Sigma
Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter
A Letter From Our President
Greetings Sorors, Philos, Rhoers, Friends, and Guests of the Epsilon Lambda Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated,
We are excited that you have joined us virtually and encourage you to learn more about our Sigma family. Our 2022-2024 leadership team have dedicated themselves to leading our members and affiliates into Greatness.
As we carry the torch lit by our Founders through a mindset of "Greater Women, Greater World”, we are proud to continue to honor and “Live Out Our 100 Year Legacy”. We, the members of the Epsilon Lambda Sigma Chapter pride ourselves by continuing to build upon a firm foundation and increase chapter visibility through:
3 R's (Recruitment, Reclamation, and Retention),
Positive Outcomes Through Empowerment and Community Engagement
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Lambda Sigma Chapter caters to women and girls in every phase of their lives by offering the following membership opportunities:
Rhoer Club (girls 12 -18)
Undergraduate (Women pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Cincinnati and Xavier University)
Graduate (Women who hold a bachelor's degree or higher)
Philo Affiliate (Women without a degree who still want to serve).
Please visit our website often for updates and feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you. I also encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we continue "Live Out Our 100 Year Legacy” through impacting the Greater Cincinnati community.
In service always,
Bridgette Walker
Bridgette Walker
Basileus, Epsilon Lambda Sigma Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter